New practitioners often have strong motivations to help others and save the world. While this is commendable, there are some points to remember.

First, you were drawn to Reiki for yourself as well. Do not overlook your needs for healing, balance and insight that Reiki offers. It will always make you a better healer to continue to heal yourself. In the past, many falsely believed that when one spent time bettering themselves it was a sign of self-centeredness. Today, self-care is regarded as a positive part of wellness practices. Reiki is a powerful gift we have to heal ourselves and proceed down a path of well-being, peace, love and understanding. As we heal, our energy changes in ways that positively affect others without us even trying. So, in fact, we are helping others indirectly and automatically through our own healing.
Please consider ways to incorporate Reiki into everyday life. I recommend beginning each day with self-Reiki even before your feet touch the floor. By spending as little as 10 minutes placing your Reiki hands on yourself, you have the ability to set the tone for the day. You may use this few minutes to meditate on an affirmation or goal you have been focusing on, review one or more Reiki precepts or perhaps simply enjoy the energy. There are no rules to follow but the regularity of daily self-practice is an important key to seeing deeper results.
Secondly, trust Reiki! As healers, we possess a strong desire to do our best in creating specific results for those we help. Remember that the very nature of Reiki is that IT knows how to help someone for their highest good and, therefore, does not rely on our direction. However, we may feel pressure to seek knowledge about chakras, meridians, emotional causation of disease and other information in an effort to help boost the results of our sessions. While educating ourselves surely has value, so does remembering that Reiki does not require anything of you as a practitioner. Sometimes knowing more (or thinking we know more) can make it harder for us to energetically step aside for Reiki to flow freely.
In fact, we do not even need to know what is ailing our client for Reiki to help them in profound ways. I understand this personally from my own practice and can attest to clients reporting astounding and unexpected positive results when we had not previously met and I was told nothing of their conditions prior to the session. Instead of relying on prior knowledge, it is always best to quiet the mind and allow Reiki to guide each session. Utilize hand positions and techniques you have learned but listen to the guidance in each moment of the session. By doing this, you are an instrument of the Reiki energy in service to the highest good of whomever you are blessed to work with in the Reiki space. Perhaps this is best described as being Reiki in contrast to doing Reiki.
Finally, practice, practice, practice! There is nothing like the experience of giving and receiving Reiki. Practice often and notice what you notice. Perhaps keep a journal to record your experiences and insights as you deepen your relationship with Reiki.
Welcome to the possibilities, mysteries and joys of Reiki!