Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that promotes the body's natural ability to heal itself. Life force energy, commonly referred to as chi, ki or prana, flows through pathways in and around the bodies of all living things. Stressors and traumas of everyday life can impede the freedom of this energy to flow properly. Over time and if left untreated, the energy becomes more blocked along these pathways and emotional, mental and physical symptoms may occur. Reiki works to help restore the energy flow to its optimum state which supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms. It addresses issues affecting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels without even discussing or having to determine what the issues or causes may be. It promotes overall well-being and balance.
Reiki is not religious and requires no beliefs, therefore it is effective for people regardless of age, background or beliefs they have. Learning Reiki is also suitable for all and requires no change in your spiritual or religious life.
What can Reiki help me with?Because Reiki helps physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, it can help you with any condition in a number of ways. Consider Reiki if you... Have trouble sleeping Struggle with anxiety Get sick frequently Can't let go of the past Suffer with pain or chronic illness Undergo chemotherapy or other medical procedures Feel stuck, disconnected or scattered Anger easily Care for someone who is ill Face regular high levels of stress Feel overwhelmed with life Simply want to feel better
How is Reiki administered?Reiki practitioners are trained to access pure life force energy from its source which flows through all living things and do not share their own energy with clients. This balanced energy is offered through a set of hand positions with the practitioner placing hands lightly on or off the body. Clients are fully clothed and there is no use of oils or massage techniques during Reiki. Distance Reiki has been taught and practiced for decades and is completely effective while performed remotely--not in person. Distance Reiki is often offered by appointment over Zoom or a similar platform, by telephone, or even coordinated through email. This varies by practitioner. You can even tune in to the Mainstream Reiki YouTube channel to receive Reiki through the Reiki session videos. Read the comments of viewers who share how the videos help them.
What does Reiki feel like during the session?Whether experienced in person or at a distance, perceptions vary from person to person. However, deep relaxation is most widely reported. Often other feelings include warmth, cold, feeling very light or heavy and tingling. People often see colors with their eyes closed. Whether a person feels a lot or a little does not indicate the amount of help Reiki is giving. Awareness varies from person to person and in each session. Reiki works on all levels, some of which are very deep and outside of our awareness. Some people relax into sleep which is perfectly fine and does not effect the treatment in any way.
What will I feel like after the session?Relaxation is most commonly reported—both in the session and after. Other common outcomes are feeling lighter, unburdened, less pain, well-rested, more balanced, and easy going. Positive effects take place on all levels—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and last for days, weeks and for some even longer. Rarely, we may feel a bit down, moody or have physical symptoms such as a headache or tiredness indicating a healing reaction. Generally, this cycle of processing and release resolves within a couple of days as we shift into a state much better than before the Reiki treatment. If you experience any discomfort, please remember this is actually a positive sign that much healing is taking place. Contact your practitioner if you are concerned.
When should I make a follow-up appointment?Your Reiki practitioner may make recommendations as a result of your session. Common suggestions range from a week, two weeks, or longer. Ideally, regular sessions are part of your regimen to help support maintaining balance and wellbeing. Please remember that it takes time for imbalances to occur and manifest, so it is understandable that multiple sessions may be the most beneficial in reversing these imbalances.
Is Reiki Safe?Reiki is absolutely safe because it is a practice based solely on life force energy which is naturally inherent in all living things. It cannot do harm and is safe for babies, children, expectant mothers, people of any age or state of health, plants and animals. Reiki practitioners do not prescribe substances nor interfere in any medical treatments. Reiki is a complement to traditional care and never a replacement which is why it's referred to as a complementary therapy and not an alternative therapy.
Can Reiki cure diseases and illness?Reiki is a complement to traditional medical care and we do not promote it as a cure for particular diseases or conditions. However, patients receiving Reiki often report an easier time coping with medical treatments, pain reduction, a more positive outlook, and an increased ability to handle stress. These effects can support a person on their healing path and enable their own bodies to respond more positively to medical treatments. It is for these reasons that an increasing number of health care facilities are promoting Reiki through their own programs.
Is there scientific research supporting the effectiveness of Reiki?Yes! The Mainstream Reiki Instagram and Facebook accounts regularly post research findings. PubMed is searchable, as are many of the scientific journal websites. Rather than provide an exhaustive list of studies and articles, we invite you to begin your research at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=reiki and connect with the Center For Reiki Research to learn more about studies and trials.
Who can learn Reiki?Reiki is truly available to all people and even children. If you want to learn it, you can. It's that simple. The ability to channel Reiki is never lost but a person gains confidence and understanding of Reiki through practice. Why learn Reiki with Andrea? Find out here.
How is Reiki taught?Traditionally, Reiki has been taught in person. However, it is now possible and completely effective to hold Reiki Certification classes online with the appropriate technology and methods. After all, Distance Reiki works just as well as in-person Reiki sessions so there is no valid reason why training over distance would not be completely effective either. Andrea holds her online classes live in a group setting. Students interact with her and each other in real-time. She follows the teaching standards outlined by the the International Center for Reiki Training. She supplies each student with a comprehensive manual published by the ICRT and her classes offer lecture, practice exercises and experiences to support students in becoming effective and confident Reiki practitioners and teachers at the Master level. Find out more and register.