What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a non-invasive and complementary relaxation and stress reduction technique that promotes the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki addresses issues affecting us on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels and promotes overall well-being and balance.
Reiki requires no beliefs, can do no harm, and benefits any age. Anyone can learn and utilize Reiki for better living.
Andrea Kennedy
I took a Reiki class out of curiosity in 1995, never imagining where it would lead me. You may have found your way here from my YouTube channel or the Beyond the Reiki Gateway podcast, but we can connect in real-time in my Holy Fire® and ICRT Animal Reiki classes, through my membership community, or through a one-on-one mentoring session. Choose your focus for your session: Reiki Practice, Reiki Business, or Spiritual Mentoring.